Personal Coaching in a DifferenD way
Fulfillment of a need
How an idea became my coaching business
AnderZ-Om coaching was born out of a personal need for a different approach to coaching. For a long time, I felt that something was 'off' for me, without even knowing exactly what it was.
I noticed this in my personal life during my studies and later at various moments in my work. Sometimes it was very concrete, but more often it was a vague feeling of unease.
Over the years, I also noticed increasingly often that this caused confusion and doubt because my feelings didn't match what I could reason and see happening.
Nearly 15 years ago, a former colleague recommended I read the poem 'Ithaka' by the Greek poet Kavafis. Somehow, this poem deeply moved me. And it still does from time to time. Reading this poem started a journey of discovery about how I could do things differently by trusting my own qualities. That's how the foundation for AnderZ-Om was laid back then.
The journey wasn't easy, nor was it a one-time event. I have experienced over the years how wonderful it is to rely on a good coach who helps you find answers.
For me, that journey began with the 'Move a Mountain Awareness Training,' although I didn't realize it at the time.
Over the years, I saw in different companies that many more people are searching and sometimes get stuck in their work or personal life. By asking these people sincere questions that were often not asked by their supervisors, many of them also found room for change.
However, it still took some time to finally follow a training myself. The training I had the opportunity to follow at 'De Omslag Maken' helped me put several pieces of the puzzle in place. This experience led me to base the start of AnderZ-Om on this training.
And so, out of a personal need, a company with its own vision was created on how to guide change processes differently to achieve change. Simply by being yourself and trusting your inner compass.
Feeling that you want to do things differently in your personal life or work and not knowing how to achieve this...
We often search for answers outside ourselves. In relationships, our environment, or at work. However, the answers are usually hidden within us without us realizing it.
The art is to find these answers. Something that often becomes a little easier with a bit of help. At AnderZ-Om, we are happy to help you find these answers.
By discovering what is important to you, and understanding why you react as you do in situations you find difficult or unpleasant, you begin a process where the answers come naturally.
If you are curious about how things can be different, feel free to contact me for a get to know.